12 million bug bounty

Twelve million dollars. That’s what Google shelled out to over 600 security researchers worldwide in 2024 through its Vulnerability Reward Program. Not bad for finding digital holes. The tech giant kept its tradition alive, rewarding sharp minds for spotting flaws in its vast ecosystem of products and services.

Tech giant pays big bucks to digital bug hunters. Twelve million reasons to find Google’s weaknesses.

Interestingly, overall submissions dipped slightly this year. But here’s the kicker – critical and high-severity bug reports actually increased. Finding the really dangerous stuff is getting harder. Duh. That’s why Google revamped its reward structure. This approach follows Google’s pioneering web application bounties that began in 2010, setting standards for the industry.

Mobile vulnerability hunters can now pocket up to $300,000 for critical finds. Chrome bugs top out at $250,000. And the fresh-faced Cloud VRP dangles a $151,515 carrot for the most severe discoveries. Google’s not playing around anymore.

Android and device security claimed over $3.3 million of the bounty pot. The company’s gotten serious about Android Automotive OS and WearOS too. Their chipset program paid almost half a million dollars and generated more than 700 valid security reports. Cash talks.

Chrome security wasn’t left behind. A cool $3.4 million went to 137 researchers who found 337 legitimate bugs. One clever hacker scored $100,115 for a MiraclePtr Bypass. Not a bad payday for some code-poking.

Google’s cloud program handled over 400 reports, disbursing more than $500,000. AI security became a hot ticket, with 150+ reports on Generative AI vulnerabilities. Apparently, teaching robots to think has some security downsides. Shocking. This focus on AI reflects the growing importance of threat intelligence analysts who investigate emerging risks in evolving technologies.

Even open source got some love. The OSS VRP attracted more than 100 bug hunters who split $110,000+ for finding vulnerabilities in Google’s open source projects. This collaborative approach highlights how ethical hacking careers have gained legitimate recognition in the cybersecurity landscape.

Looking ahead to 2025, Google plans to celebrate 15 years of its VRP, expand its AI security scope, and strengthen its overall security posture. Because nothing says “thanks for keeping us secure” like a fat check.

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